Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mirrored Labyrinthes

I've read it before. It's old news, really.

But it feels like a dream which I've had many, many times. It's warm, cold, exhilerating, every time that I think of it. Which is every few years.

It goes like this:

Beneath a Place there is a Labyrinth. Inside of this Labyrinth there is a room. It is a large room and it is full of mirrors. Every where I look there is a reflection of myself.

My teeth are bared, sweat drips, my clothes are loose and ancient.

I circle, I wind. Corridors of mirrors, reflections of myself on all sides.

Did I mention that I have a double?

I'm hunting myself in a labrynth built of mirrors. One of these reflections is not a reflection of me, (though it is) it is my enemy. I slash at the mirrors with my knife but the reflections are endless. My feet are shredded by broken glass.

When did this dichotomy birth? When did I become so at odds with myself? This psycho-schizo bullshit started when??

It's just a dream. Right?


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